wow - i had no idea there were so many image generators out there! and here's a site that lists alot of them...http://www.customsigngenerator.com/ in addition to the resource given: http://generatorblog.blogspot.com/. it's really amazing. everything from "dummies" book covers to license plates, to tarot cards, flags, watermarks, and road signs.
i had a good time creating my blog header at http://www.headerbar.com/.
then i fooled around with: comicstripgenerator.com with my little alien egg pic. i saw alot of similarities in how the 2 sites work. also saw alot of similarities in the ads thrown at you while you're trying to be creative.
i looked at letterjames.com and love the idea of making my own calendar. unfortunately, it seems to be a site sponsored in germany and i'm fresh out of euros at the moment. (and am not excited about the unfavorable to USD exchange rate, either.) schade. guess i'll stick to flickr's utility for building calendars.
well, gee, some amount of time has flown and i have had fun with george, elvis, and a host of other characters and creatures. but alas, all fun must come to an end. there are other things to learn, after all!
my overall impression of this thing: i just had no idea what all was out there! good to know there's help for those of us that are graphically challenged!
1 comment:
I really like your new header!! Very nice!
PS - thanks for the excellent pastry!! It was yummy!
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